Florida Tech Panther Statue

Student Resources

Before You Arrive

To make transition into Florida Tech run smoothly, there are a few things that need to be taken care of and also important tips you should know!

'Get a Jump Start' Tips:

  • Spend the summer before college with friends and families! Don't forget to say goodbye before you leave.
  • Get to know your new home by exploring the Orientation website, check out information on major departments on campus, search through clubs/organizations and athletics that are offered, and look over the campus map!
  • Don’t forget to check your e-mail and mailbox! You will be receiving important information and it is pertinent that you open and review everything.
  • Fill out any necessary forms early and honestly! All forms/questionnaires are taken seriously and require complete honesty. For example, don’t answer that you plan to keep a clean room if your current room is dirty now, chances are that it will be dirty here!

First Day of Class

The first day of class will be the easiest, but it is the most important! Here is why:

  • Walk to your classes during orientation week or the weekend before classes so you don't get lost on your first day.
  • You get to meet professors! During this time, get a feel on their specific teaching style. Some professors will jump right into the material while others may spend time introducing themselves and the syllabus.
  • The syllabus should be given to you by each professor and is very important to hold onto! It is a contract between students and professors. Many syllabuses will have the following information and more:
    • Professor's contact information
    • Professor's office hours and office location
    • Required materials for the course
    • Dates of tests/homework/projects
    • Course grading scale
  • Here are a few suggested items to bring to class on the first day:
    • Class schedule
    • Notebook
    • Pen/pencil
    • Florida Tech ID card
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for directions! All students and faculty are friendly, helpful, and were once in your shoes.
  • The first day is not too early to start studying! During the first year at college, it is extremely important to instill proper time management skills. These skills help make the first year a smooth one!

Inside the Classroom

We have covered what to expect and look for on your first day, but what about inside the classroom? College is a very different experience from what you are used to in high school! These pointers should help you be more prepared for classes at Florida Tech:

  • Average major-dependent class sizes range from 25-30 students. More general class sizes range from 50-75 students and these classes include General Chemistry, Physics, Calculus, etc.
  • Laboratory class sizes are usually no larger than 20 students.
  • Professors teach the lectures and Graduate Student Assistants teach the labs
  •  Not all professors take attendance but is the student’s responsibility to attend class and complete assignments.
  • Attendance is required for all labs and failure to attend can result in a failing grade for the lab course.
  • Some professors put more emphasis on tests than homework while some are equal. Homework is given to help students learn and know material for the course.
  • Extra credit is not a common occurrence among courses.
  • Learning is not limited to time in class. Quite a bit of learning is done outside of the classroom and an average of 5-8 hours a week of studying should be done for every course.
  • There is help available! Students don’t have to do all this learning on their own. There are many resources available that help with academics. The Academic Support Center on campus is a free tutoring service for students that gives a variety of course help. The Mathematical Support Center is a free tutoring service specifically geared towards mathematical courses. These are just two examples of resources available.
  • It is extremely important to stay on top of schoolwork and grades! Failure to stay above a grade point average of 2.00 can result in academic probation. Never be afraid to approach a professor for help! Faculty here at Florida Tech take a genuine interest in the success of their students and are always willing to help.