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Non-Student Persona Non Grata

Applies to:Original Policy Date:Date of Last Review:Approved by:
All Florida Tech Employees August 1, 2009 August 2024 Dr. John Nicklow, President

Policy Owner: Vice President for External Affairs

Policy Purpose

This policy establishes a general criteria, processes, and authority to issue non-student persona non grata order to individuals who are not students of Florida Tech but are deemed to pose a risk, disruption, or threat to the university community.

Policy Scope

This policy applies to all nonstudents and the offices designated to issue nonstudent persona non grata orders.

Policy Statement

The university may issue a persona non grata order for any individual who is not a Florida Tech student whose behavior is determined to be a risk to, detrimental to, or unwelcome at the university. A persona non grata order may also be issued for any nonstudent member of the community, guest, visitor, alumni, or current or former employee who commits serious or repeated violation of university policy, or who causes disruption or damage.


A persona non grata order prohibits the subject individual from entering university property and requires that they immediately vacate Florida Tech property, if they are on property.

If a person enters or remains on university property after notification of a persona non grata order, they may be subject to trespassing charges. A persona non grata order may be considered a trespass warning if the issuer can provide proof of service.

As a private institution, Florida Tech reserves the right to bar or remove any individual from its property at any time at its discretion.

Upon consultation with the Chief of Security as to the currently-approved language/template for a Persona Non Grata letter, the:

  • Vice President for Student Affairs may issue persona non grata orders for nonstudent guests and visitors of students.
  • Vice President for Human Resources may issue persona non grata orders for current and former employees or nonstudent guests and visitors of current or former employees.
  • Vice President for External Affairs may issue a persona non grata order for any nonstudent individual.
  • The Department of Security is permitted to issue a persona non grata order but typically issues a trespass warning.

Persona non grata orders are often issued in, but not limited to, the following situations:

  • A guest or visitor of a student violates university policy, is disorderly, is a threat to campus safety, and/or causes damage.
  • An outside person enters university property to create disruption or protest.
  • A former employee returns to university property to create disruption.
  • A person can be subject to a persona non grata order even if they have not committed an objectionable act on university property. Reasons for issuing a persona non grata order may include but are not limited to violations of law or university policy, threats, risks, or disruptive behavior committed off campus or via telephone, text, internet, or digital communications/social media (e.g., cyberbullying).

Record Keeping

The Department of Security keeps records of persona non grata orders. Orders originating in other offices must be provided to Security at the time they are issued. All orders are in effect in perpetuity unless otherwise rescinded.


When possible, the appropriate office will provide written or electronic notice of the persona non grata order to the subject individual if contact information is available or if they are known to be present on university property.

Request to Rescind a Persona Non Grata Order

An individual subject to a persona non grata order may submit a request to rescind the order. This request should be made in writing to the department that issued the order. The request should include the following information:

  • The submitter’s name and contact information.
  • The reason the submitter is requesting the order be lifted.
  • A plan to ensure that no similar incident(s) will occur if the order is lifted.

The Department of Security will coordinate with the issuing office and will make a recommendation regarding lifting the order. That recommendation will be sent to the Office of the Executive Vice President, Provost, and COO for final approval.


Persona non grata: An individual not permitted to be present on university property or facilities.

Non-Student: For purposes of this policy only, a non-student is any person who is not a currently enrolled student (i.e., not registered for courses in the current term).


The Vice Presidents for Student Affairs, Human Resources, and External Affairs, and the Department of Security, are responsible for issuing persona non grata orders when appropriate.

The Department of Security is responsible for enforcing persona non grata orders and filing trespass charges when appropriate.


Individuals found to violate a persona non grata order may be charged with trespass.